USA leading |
Goods from America attract us with their quality, too. Buying a thing in Internet shop in the official representative of a company you obtain a guarantee that goods are genuine and will be not unusable in a couple of weeks. Honestly and safely A thing can be returned what makes an order of goods from America absolutely safely. Internet shops value their reputation, that’s why 90% of them provide a sufficiently long period during which goods are returned and you receive compensation. The reason to return goods can be even such a trifle as a discrepancy between goods and your expectations. For example, the bought pullover is not combined with other wardrobe items, that’s why it will be accepted back without any questions. Stylish and fashionable Range in American Internet shops is very diverse, that’s why buying goods in the USA means possibility to have exclusive brand thing. It’s possible to find here the most unexpected goods that are not available in Ukraine. Shopping goods from the USA can solve a problem of your dissatisfaction with market and pseudo-fashion boutique range. What to buy? It’s profitable tp order on American sites: - Parts, components, computers, phones, photo equipment and other equipment; - Brand clothes, accessories, shoes; - Special clothes, f. e. for pregnant women; - Goods for children, f. e. pushchairs, walkers, slings; - Antique and collectable things. Payment and delivery of the order Internet shop offers the way of payment of order, it’s usually: - Payment system PayPal – an account can be replenished directly from plastic card MasterCard or Visa, there is an opportunity to return payment in case if you were cheated; - Bank debit/credit card – an immediate non-commission payment, that responds to attempted fraud; - Direct transfer (wire transfer), that is possible in any CIS bank, payment tracking is difficult, the repayment is possible only by the will of the recipient; - MoneyOrder – postal money transfer popular in the USA; this transfer from CIS is possible only with an intermediary. The following step: delivery of goods from the USA into Ukraine. It can be provided through the post or courier service (express delivery). In the first case is there a probability, that shipment can vanish and guilty people will be not found. Courier service offers a guarantee on its services, and in the force majeure case it takes on responsibility. It provides a service “tracking”, it means that delivery from the USA to Ukraine can be tracked: you can find out at any moment at what point of the way your parcel is. Courier service is responsible for all the troubles with the arrival of shipment, because delivery of goods from The USA to Ukraine occurs through the not always friendly customs service. If you want very much to have overseas goods, but you have not enough perseverance to make an order, there is the sense to contact an intermediary company that makes a payment on your behalf and provides delivery from the USA. For a certain percentage of a transaction an intermediary company will settle all the formalities. |
Чому ми? | ![]() |
Трекінг | ![]() |
Що ми робимо? |
![]() Ми любимо наших клієнтів – кожен клієнт для нас особливий, застосовуючи індивідуальний підхід до кожного, ми встановлюємо максимально зручні ціни на наші послуги. |
У всіх клієнтів Глобекс-пост є унікальна можливість скористатись послугами трекінгу Вашого товару. За допомогою цієї послуги ви зможете дізнатись, де знаходиться Ваша пошта » |
Globex Post — приватний український міжнародний поштовий оператор з повним циклом опрацювання поштових відправлень. |
![]() Ми ретельні – ви можете дізнатися, де ваша пошта лише одним натисканням клавіші на моніторі свого комп’ютера. |
![]() Ми працюємо легально – у нас є місце міжнародного поштового обміну,що робить нашу діяльність прозорою та незалежною. |